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Journal Entries

Overbrook High School Students killed in Vietnam War

Remembering the Veterans

May 20, 2017

Veterans Day - May 29, 2017

While continuing to archive the Wynnefield West Digest, we came upon May, 1988 issue, featuring a front page with names of the Overbrook High School students killed in the Vietnam War.  We honor these fallen soldiers and all those past, present and future who fought/fight for our freedoms.

Dr. Barbara Foxworth

May 17, 2017

 I was saddened to just learn of the passing  of Dr. Barbara Foxworth, who supported LEAP while she was Principal at Daroff Elementary.  Though Dr. Foxworth left us in 2014, the condolences from JoAnn Green express my feelings exactly: 

"Please accept my condolences on the passing of Dr. Foxworth, whom I was privileged to have known and worked with for many years. She was my principal at Daroff School. I learned so much from her. We had fun and many laughs, but the success of every child was the most important thing for Dr. Foxworth and she worked tirelessly to make sure that we all worked with that goal in mind. Her kindness and empathy for everyone will always stay with me. She was a remarkable Principal, a great teacher..." JoAnn Green, Sept. 12, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

May 14, 2017

To all the single moms, working moms, stay-at-home moms, women who nurture and in memory of moms who are no longer with us...Happy Mothers Day.  

Second  Journal Entry

May 11, 2017

The LEAP-MD (Literacy Enrichment Achievement Program, Motivation & Direction) touched many lives.  Mine was certainly enriched as the young people shared their stories, goals, challenges, opinions and creativity in the classroom  - which were subsequently published in the Wynnefield West Digest.  I am honored to present these archives to the world.  

First Journal  Entry

May 8, 2017

Publishing a newspaper back in the day required certain skill sets.  I had to throw most of that hard-earned knowledge out of the window with the explosion of the internet and social media.  Confused and overwhelmed by all of the online chatter and clutter, I purposely avoided the digital environment until now.  So this website is my 'coming out' party, as it is time to join the conversation.  

Charlotte Sistrun

Future Journal Entries


Cell phones have made capturing and sharing moments a way of life.

In the 1980s, the Wynnefield West Digest newspapers were produced on cheap newspaper stock.  The black ink would bleed all over the place, often getting on our hands,  clothes and making a general mess. Some of the photos were unrecognizable because they were taken either by instamatic cameras (remember those Kodak moments?) or photographers who really didn't know what they were doing.  Then the photos had to be developed with chemicals and taken to a halftone screener.  But we printed them anyway.

We will be scanning and downloading many such blurry images, so don't feel your eyesight is failing.   We will provide as much description as possible.  

An ongoing series of thoughts and  informational entries

Feel free to respond or leave a comment on the "Contact" page.  

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